For the German Economic Minister, Germany's "innocence has ended" in China, and is developing a new trade policy for China. The Ministry of Commerce of China responded that he hoped that Germany would listen to the industry's voices more and maintain cooperation between the two countries.

According to the Finance News Agency, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Commerce Shu Jioting said on Thursday (22nd) that I hope that Germany will adhere to a rational and pragmatic position on China's economic and trade policy, listen to the industry's voices, maintain good maintenance, and maintain good maintenance.The cooperation interests of the two countries to avoid people to set up obstacles and barriers.

The German Economic Minister Habeck said on the 15th that the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) agreed to be tougher than China on trade issues, and they would further coordinate their positions on this issue.

He described that Germany has "no longer naive" in the position of China, and "the era of trade, regardless of social or humanitarian standards, has passed."The German Ministry of Economic Affairs is formulating a new trade policy to China to reduce the "dependence" of the Chinese market and products.