(Morning News) U.S. officials said that a ship of the United States Coast Guard could not enter the Solomon Islands for routine stop because the Solomon Islands did not respond to the US Coast Guard's request to add fuel and supplies.

Reuters on Friday (August 26) asked the Solomon Islands government for verification on this, but the government's government did not respond immediately.

After signing a security agreement with China in May this Solomon Islands, the relationship with the United States and American allies continued to be tight.

The US Coast Guard Journalists told Reuters in an email statement that the Oliver Henry of the United States Coast Guard was patrolling illegal fishing activities in the South Pacific at the time.

Oliver Henry requested to add oil on the Solomon Islands, the capital of the Solomon Islands, but did not get a response.The US ship diverted to Papua New Guinea.

The US Coast Guard in Hawaii public affairs officer Carm replied to Reuters by email: "The US government proposes to the Solomon Islands government to add an diplomatic and supply diplomacy to the Solomon Islands governmentThe licensed request, the Solomon Islands did not respond. "

She added:" The US State Department is contacting the Government of the Solomon Islands and is expected to provide fuel and supply to all American vessels in the future. "

The Royal Navy's patrol ship "HMS SPEY" also participated in the patrol task called "Island Emperor's Action". The scope of patrols includes Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu exclusive economic zone.

According to online reports, Shi Pyramid was also rejected by the Solomon Islands, and the British Navy refused to comment on reports.