
(Morning News) Johnson, the upcoming British Prime Minister, returned from the honeymoon and went to Greece to take summer vacation again. He recruited the opposition to criticize the multiple crisis that plagued Britain.

Agence France -Presse reported that the Labor Party accused Johnson accusing Johnson only holding the "Great Party", but ignored the British people with high living expenses.

Johnson last week with his wife in Slovenian honeymoon for five days, and this week went to Greece for summer vacation.A Greek website released a picture of Johnson's supermarkets in a coastal town near Athens.

Johnson spokesman said that although Johnson is on vacation, he "will know any emergency and make a decision, especially those decisions on national security."

The spokesman also said that Deputy Prime Minister Labo represents Johnson at any meeting. "But as far as I know, there is no such meeting arrangement."

Johnson will transfer the Prime Minister's power to Tras or Sunak three weeks later. Tellas and Sunak are competing for the Conservative Party leader , and the conservative party election results will be announced on September 5.