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(Morning Post) U.S. President Biden said India said that the United States was an "indispensable partner" in the United States and will continue to work together with India to deal with global challenges in the next years.

Reuters reported that on Monday (August 15), it was Indian Independence Day, and Britain ended colonial rule of India in 1947.Biden congratulated the 75th anniversary of India's independence.

Biden issued a statement on the 14th, "India moved to democracy under the leadership of the truth and non -violence of Gansi Gandhi.>

Bynden said, "India and the United States are indispensable partners in each other. The joint commitment of the United States and India's strategic partnership is based on our common commitment to the rule of law and promoting human freedom and dignity."

Biden also said that the Indian community in the United States made the United States a more innovative, tolerant and powerful country.