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(Morning Post) The Federal Department of Investigation and the Ministry of Land and Security warned that the risk of threats faced by federal law enforcement officials in Miami, a former President Trump in Miami, Florida.

Two officials of the United States disclosed to the National Broadcasting Corporation News (NBC News), and the Federal Investigation Agency (FBI) and the Ministry of National Security released a combination to law enforcement agencies last Friday (August 12) last Friday (August 12).Intelligence announcement said that the threats of online and other platforms for law enforcement officers have increased greatly after being searched by Haihu Manor.

The U.S. Department of Security confirmed to release a threat announcement to Reuters, but refused to provide this announcement to Reuters.According to Reuters, CNN and Columbia Broadcasting Corporation (CBS) also reported the content of the announcement.

NBC news quoted one of the law enforcement agencies officials that threats from the Internet and other platforms are mainly for federal law enforcement officers, and the threat to other law enforcement departments and government officials has also increased slightly.

According to CBS, one of the concerns mentioned in the intelligence announcement is "placing dirty bombs outside the FBI headquarters and calling for the launch of the" civil war 'and "armed rebellion'".

The US official has determined that "multiple clear threats and targeted assassinations are related to the judicial, law enforcement and government officials of searching Haihu Manor, including the approval of the Federal Judge who searched the Haihu Manor as the starting as the startTarget. "

Senior officials of the two law enforcement agencies said that the FBI and the National Security Bureau urged federal law enforcement officers to be vigilant about domestic violence extremist incidents, including the new and new events.

A man in the early morning of the 14th.The policeman was blasting when he approached him.

Another man tried to break into the FBI Cincinnati City Branch on the morning of the 11th and failed to break into the FBI Xinninnati City Branch.Local media quoted law enforcement sources as saying that federal investigators are investigating whether the man is linked to extremely right -wing groups.

August 8th In the safe, take away multiple box files.The Republican Party expressed dissatisfaction with the Federal Investigation Agency's search for Trump's homes and vowed that if the Republican Party elected Congress in the middle of November, they would investigate the "political intervention action" of the Ministry of Justice.

A Federal Regional Court judge approved the searches on Haihu Manor on the 12th, and the search order lists Trump's three criminal criminal behaviors that may exist, including handling the federal government documents in improper, hindering the obstaclesJudicial and transmission of national defense intelligence.Related crimes can cause fines or imprisonment.

The US Department of Justice said that FBI agents retrieved 11 confidential documents from Haihu Manor, including some documents marked as the highest secret.