(Morning News) British scientists have successfully changed the blood type of three donations to the kidneys. This approach may help speed up kidney transplantation and bring a line of hope to patients with uncommon blood types such as ethnic minorities.

Bloomberg reported that researchers of Cambridge University used a device called Normothermic Perfusion Machine to use an enzyme that can remove blood type marks to flush the kidney and transform it into acceptable O -type.Blood kidney.

Theoretically, so that these kidneys can accept type A or B blood, which is conducive to patients with ethnic minorities, because they do not match most of the kidneys.

Aisling McMahon, the executive research director of the research company of Cambridge University's research, said: "This study said" this study is more than 1,000 minority groups waiting for the kidneys to wait for the kidneys.Bring a line of hope. "

However, this is a very preliminary study that has not been tested on the patient.Researchers at the University of Cambridge now need to study the kidney that transforms into O -type blood, how will it react in the normal blood supply of patients.

Different blood types have different marks, which can trigger antibodies and fight foreign organs.Under normal circumstances, organ donations and transplantation must match the blood type.This is an obstacle for patients with rare or uncommon blood types. Some people must wait for organized organs for a long time, and some even wait for several years to wait for the matching organs.