China criticized Japan's Minister of Economic and Industry Nishimura Kangyu on Saturday (August 13) to visit the Yasukuni Shrine, and proposed to Japan with a serious negotiation.

According to the information released by the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said in a response: "Members of Japanese cabinet worship the Yasukuni Shrine, who worships the war criminals in the World War II, once again reflects the mistakes of the Japanese government to treat historical issues.Attitude. "

Wang Wenbin also said that China urges Japan to face up and deeply reflect the history of aggression.

The Kyodo News Agency reported earlier that Kangki Kangzheng worshiped the Yasukuni Shrine on the morning of the 13th and became the first cabinet leader to visit the Yasukuni Shrine since he came to power in October last year.