
(Morning News) When South Korean President Yin Xiyue attended the 77th anniversary ceremony and delivered a speech on Monday (August 15), he mentioned the idea of the "bold plan" of the North Korean policy roadmap.He said that if North Korea takes substantial nuclearization measures, South Korea will help North Korea's epoch -making to improve economic conditions and improve the quality of life of residents.

Yonhap News Agency reported that Yin Xiyue said that North Korea's nuclearization is indispensable to achieve sustainable peace to achieve the Korean Peninsula, Northeast Asia, and even the world.

Yin Xiyue introduced the specific content of the "Bold Plan" in detail, including large -scale grain support, power generation and transmission and distribution infrastructure support, port and airport modernization projects, technical support for agricultural production, hospitals and medical foundations to improve agricultural production, hospitals and medical basesModernization projects, international investment and financial support.

As for the relationship between South Korea and Japan, Yin Xiyue said that in the past, in order to fight for and defend freedom, South Korea needs to get rid of Japan's political rule.Today, Japan is a close neighbor that South Korea should deal with various challenges such as threatening the freedom of global citizens.Only by facing the future based on universal values and the direction of the mission given by the times, can the historical problems between the two countries be properly resolved.

The government will inherit the spirit of the 21st Century Korea -Japanese New Partnership Relationships jointly published by former South Korean President Kim Dakama and former Japan's former Prime Minister Konaki Mi, to restore and develop Korean -Japanese relations as soon as possible.

Yin Xiyue also said, just as the independence spirit of the independence of the Sanyi Independence, the Charter of the Interim Government of the Republic of Korea, and the independent sportsman of the North Korean independent sportsman, the anti -Japanese independence movement aims to establish a democratic republic of the national family and establish respect for respect for respect.Freedom, human rights, and rule of law, rather than ignoring the totalitarian country that ignores liberal human rights.

He emphasized that the spirit of independent movement was inherited in the face of hostile forces to establish free countries, achieve economic growth and industrialization, and develop democraticism based on this, and continued to carry forward.