(Morning News) Perosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, led a delegation to start a trip to Asia. She will visit Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Japan.This trip will focus on mutual security, economic partnership and democratic governance in the Pacific region of India.

Perlus issued a statement issued on Sunday (July 31) saying: "Today, our parliamentary delegation will go to the Indo -Pacific region to reiterate that the United States' firmness and friends in the region and friends in the region cannot shake.Promise. In Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, and Japan, our delegation will hold a high -level meeting to discuss how to further promote the common interests and values of both parties, including peace and security, economic growth and trade, crown diseases, climatic crises, Human rights and democratic governance. "

She also said that understanding that the Indo -Pacific region of freedom and prosperity is critical to the prosperity of the United States and the world.In this region, wise strategic contact.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Singapore said that the American parliament led by Pelosi will visit Singapore from August 1st to 2nd, and meet with President Halima and Prime Minister Li Xianlong.Communication of the Cabinet Minister.

The press release issued by the Perosi office did not include Taiwan in the itinerary.