
(Morning News) The European Office of the World Health Organization said on Saturday (July 30) that there have been death cases related to monkey acne outside Africa.Class death examples, but at the same time emphasizing serious complications, it is still rare.

Spain reported the second case related to monkey acne on Saturday.Smomwood, a senior emergency official of the European Office of the WHO, said in a statement: "As the acne continues to spread in Europe, we will see more death cases." She pointed out that the current goal should be "Quickly block Europe's spread and stop this epidemic. "

However, Smomwood emphasized that in most cases, this disease will be cured by itself without treatment.She said: "The report of the death of monkey acne has not changed our assessment of the European epidemic. We know that although it is self -limiting in most cases, the monkey acne can cause serious complications."

Spain and Brazil Friday each notice the first death case related to monkey acne , Spanish reported the second death of monkey acne on Saturdays on Saturdays from Saturday, the death of monkey acne.example.These cases are believed to be the first three deaths related to the epidemic of monkey acne outside Africa.Before the results of the autopsy, the Spanish official was unwilling to disclose the specific cause of death of the deceased, while Brazil official emphasized that the death man had "other serious situations."

WHO said that since the beginning of May, more than 18,000 monkey acne is found around the world outside Africa, most of which are in Europe.The WHO listed the epidemic in the world on July 23 as a global public health incident.