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(Morning Post) A number of Japanese government sources revealed on Saturday (July 30) that Japanese Foreign Minister Lin Fang is intending to cooperate with the ASEAN meeting held in the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh.Japan held talks with Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, and is coordinating this.

Kyodo News reported that Lin Fang is expected to explain serious concerns that China ’s official ships have entered the Saudi Island (China’ s Diaoyu Islands) and the Chinese military ’s surrounding activities near Japan’ s surroundings.

The last China -Japan Foreign Minister's face -to -face talk was in November 2020.

Lin Fangzheng will also criticize Russia to attack Ukraine during the talks, and requires a responsible actions to maintain a pro -Russian position.He intends to emphasize the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.In addition, he will call for the international community to respond in unison in order to achieve North Korea's denuclearization.

Lin Fang was still discussing with the Korean foreign minister Park Zhen during the meeting in Cambodia, and held a talks with US Secretary of State Brillings and Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian.