(Morning News) U.S. Secretary of State Brills hopes that the United States and China can" deal with the differences between the two sides in Taiwan.

Agence France -Presse reported that when Bollingken was asked on Friday (July 29), when asked about the Asian itinerary of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Perlis's itinerary may include Taiwan's reports.Essence

Brintken said that President Biden was on the 28th with Chinese President Xi Jinping Telling has been clearly emphasized that the United States "resolutely resoluteOpposition to unilaterally changing the status quo and destroying the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait. "

Brinton said, "There are many differences between us, but in the past 40 years, we have dealt with these differences, maintain the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, and make Taiwan enjoy prosperity."

Brinken refers to the establishment of diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China in 1979, and announced in the Gazette of the Construction Communications announcement that the diplomatic relations with the Republic of China were disclosed, and an unofficial exchanges between the Taiwan Relations Law and Taiwan.

Brinken said: "We believe that direct communication between leaders is the most important key to deal with Taiwan issues in the most responsible way."

PerosiOn the 29th, when she talked about her Asian trip and Until confirmed whether to visit Taiwan .The Chinese Ministry of National Defense has warned on the 26th that if Pelosi insisted on visiting Taiwan, " The Chinese army will never sit at ."

The White House said on the 29th that there was no evidence that China had increased military activities.The Chinese government announced on the same day that the Chinese military will perform solid bomb shooting training tasks in the waters near Qiqiyu, Pingtan, Fujian Province on the 30th to 9 pm on the 30th.

Chinese statement did not mention Pelosi.The exercise location is located near the coast of mainland China, not near the Taiwan Strait waters.Nevertheless, the signal to be conveyed in Beijing is self -evident.