The first fifth dialogue between the world's and US dollars, which lasted on Thursday (July 28) for 2 hours and 17 minutes.After the call, the two parties declared that the breakthrough progress was not seen as expected, but the United States revealed that both heads agreed to find a suitable time for "face -to -face" talks to pass the signal that China and the United States were still in charge of control and avoiding bilateral relations.

In response to the current high -sensitive Taiwan Strait situation, Chinese officials told US President Biden in the call that Beijing will never leave any space for any form of "Taiwan independence" forces.With a complete determination, "the fireman must balize by himself."

The White House statement shows that Biden reiterated to China officially that the United States' policy against Taiwan remains unchanged and strongly opposes the unilateral behavior of changing the status quo or destroying the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.

In the past few weeks, Perosi, the third figure in the United States, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, may break the news of many years of conventional visits to Taiwan, which has caused a stir in China and the United States.In the atmosphere of pressure and tension in Beijing, whether the Asian trip that Peros is about to start will include Taiwan, it is still a mystery.

According to Chinese official media reports, Chinese officials also proposed to Biden during the call that in the face of the world of chaos, the people of the international community and countries are looking forward to China and the United States to play a leading role, maintaining the world peace, security, and promoting development and prosperity.This is the duties of the two major powers of China and the United States.

Chinese officials pointed out that treating China as the most important opponent and the most severe long -term challenge is the misjudgment of Sino -US relations and the misunderstanding of China's development, and it will mislead the people of the two countries and the international community.He advocates that China and the United States maintain all levels of communication, make good use of existing communication channels, and promote cooperation between the two parties; maintain communication on major issues such as macroeconomic policy coordination, maintaining the stability of the global industrial chain supply chain, and ensuring that global energy and food security are maintained.

Chinese officials also believe that China and the United States should promote regional hot issues to remove fire and cool down, help the world get rid of the epidemic as soon as possible, get out of the risk of stagflation and recession, and maintain the international system based on the United Nations as the core and international law.


The White House statement wrote that the call is the efforts to maintain and deepen the communication channels of China and the United States, to deepen the communication channels of China and the United States, manage differences, and cooperate with common interests.The two leaders discussed a series of important issues and regions and global issues of bilateral relations, and instructed teams to follow up, especially to deal with climate change and hygiene and safety issues.

White House officials introduced to the media that this call was as early as June this year, Yang Jiechi, member of the Politburo of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China and director of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee at Luxembourg, in early July, in early JulyMember and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Wang Yi, was proposed to the date of call by China when talking on Bali Island.

Scholars: The situation of the worship of the Taiwan Strait still has not intersect

As for the proposal to meet in the first face of the Chinese and US dollars, both officials have not provided time.However, according to this newspaper, the most likely date and occasion is the G20 summit held in Bali Island in November this year.If it can be implemented, it will be the first meeting after the Biden's administration.

For the call of Thursday, Zhu Feng, Dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the call reflects that China and the United States further strengthen the needs and urgency of communication.Opportunities and opportunities.

However, in response to the situation of the Taiwan Strait, many comments in Taiwan believe that the two of Xi Make -worship still have no intersection.

Wang Zhisheng, Secretary -General of the Taiwan Asia -Pacific Elite Exchange Association, analyzed in an analysis that China and the United States are interested in controlling differences, avoiding unnecessary friction and misjudgment by dialogue, and seeking cooperation.However, due to the gap between China and the United States' cognition of core interests, and leaders have not been able to build mutual trust through face -to -face contact, it is still difficult for both parties to form a consensus on the Taiwan issue.