Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Biden Bynden made more than two hours of call on Thursday (July 28).On the occasion of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives Perlusia on Friday (July 29), the Sino -U.S.The world is peaceful, stable and development, and adheres to each other, maintain dialogue communication, strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation, effectively control differences, avoid human -made new contradictions, and deal with Sino -US relations with a highly responsible attitude towards history.

The article said that whether China and the United States can deal with each other's relationship, which is related to the future of the world, is a good century question between the two countries.For a period of time, Sino -US relations have faced serious difficulties, and the root cause is that the United States has problems with China.From the perspective of strategic competition, the viewing and definition of Sino -US relations, treating China as the most important opponent and the most severe long -term challenge is the misjudgment of Sino -US relations and the misunderstanding of China's development.Misacus."Those who are good at treating the disease will do the place where they will receive the disease; those who rescue the disadvantages will be the original disadvantage." Promoting the return of Sino -US relations to the correct track of stable development, the United States should first eliminate the "threat expansion" of ChinaStrategic anxiety, abandon the inertial thinking of "you lose me".The article quoted former US Secretary of State Kissinger recently that the United States should not carry out "endless confrontation" with China, emphasizing that China should respect China's role as a participant in international order.Seriously listen to these constructive voices and go with China to promote Sino -US relations out of the predicament.

The article also said that the international community is highly concerned about the first call of China and the United States, and the focus is on the principle of President Xi Jinping on the principles of President Xi Jinping's clarification of Taiwan.Taiwan issues are always the most important and sensitive issues in Sino -US relations.China has resolutely opposed the division of "Taiwan independence" and interference in external forces, and will never leave any space for any form of "Taiwan independence" forces.The position of the Chinese government and the Chinese people on the Taiwan issue is consistent. It is resolutely safeguarding the firm will of the Chinese people in more than 1.4 billion national sovereignty and territorial integrity.Public opinion must not be violated, and you must break self -immolation.The United States must see this clearly, and must adhere to a Chinese principle and fulfill the three joint communiqués of China and the United States.Biden said in a call that a Chinese policy in the United States will not change or change, and the United States does not support Taiwan's "independence."The United States should put the relevant commitments in practice, clearly and firmly oppose any "Taiwan independence" behavior, and no longer send an error signal to the "Taiwan independence" forces.

The article said that China and the United States are the largest developing countries and the largest developed countries, and have special responsibilities for the peaceful development of the world.At present, the two trends of world turmoil and change have continued to evolve, and the two major deficits of development and security are constantly prominent.Faced with the world of messy intertwined, the international community and the people of all countries are looking forward to the leading role of China and the United States, maintaining world peace and security, and promoting global development and prosperity.The current human "Earth Village" is facing many challenges, and the necessity and urgency of China and the United States to strengthen coordination and cooperation is becoming more prominent.The two countries should adhere to the responsibility of the great power, provide a role in giving play to the role of a great power in response to global challenges, and provide more public products in the world.

The article finally emphasized that the history of Sino -US relations fully shows that strengthening communication dialogue is a necessary way for the two countries to control the differences and control and avoid misjudgment.The development of China and the United States is at a critical stage. The two sides should focus on the fundamental interests of the people of the two countries, focus on the world peace, stability and development and prosperity.Create new contradictions difficulties to deal with Sino -US relations with a highly responsible attitude towards history.This is the expectation of the international community and the peoples of various countries, and it is also the duties of the two major powers of China and the United States.

Pelosi started on the eve of the Asia -Pacific trip to the Asia -Pacific trip on Friday (July 29). Bynden and Xi Jinping made more than two hours of calls on issues such as Taiwan issues.

For Pelosi's itinerary, the outside world is still unclear whether she will visit Taiwan. It is reported that her trip to Taiwan is "to be determined."

The Chinese Ministry of Defense has warned on Tuesday (July 26) that if Pelosi insists on visiting Taiwan, "the Chinese army will never sit and see it."On Thursday (July 28), the public account of the Global Mainland China Official Media Times, also issued a post that Perosor would be visited to Taiwan., You can also send the J -16D electronic fighter responsible for suppressing support.

However, Kobe, coordinator of the White House National Security Council, said on Friday that he did not see any specific or clear signs of harmful to Taiwan.On the other hand, the Chinese government announced through official media that it will hold solid bomb shooting training near the Taiwan Strait on Saturday (July 30).