Ke Wenzhe, the chairman of the people in the wild in Taiwan, was detained in Beijing and Huacheng's disadvantages. Sanli journalist Ma Yuwen broke the news that Ke Wenzhe suspected that he received 15 million yuan in the chairman of Weijing Group (New Taiwan dollar, the same below, S $ 610,000), And claimed that the message came from the inspection system.The Taipei Procuratorate clarified that Ma Yuwen's sources were not from the official system, suggesting that Ma Yuwen's statement was inaccurate.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe News reported that the Taipei Procuratorate on Monday (September 16) said that the Department of this Department took the initiative to investigate whether there were personnel who leaked in Beijing Huacheng's disadvantages case on September 9th.On September 12th, 13th, and 16th, the prosecutors summoned five reporters including Lin, Liu, and Wu, and Sanli News from the surname of Lai, Wu, and Sanli News.Explain the basis and source of their writing.

The North Inspection stated that after preliminary verification, the report on the reporter's report comes from the report or according to many years of interview experience.Written.In addition, the sources reported by the reporter are not from relevant civil servants from the Department, the Integrity Department, the Investigation Bureau, and the Court.

Beiqian also said that there are many inconsistencies in Mirror Weekly Ling Media Sanli News reports. Therefore, according to the current verification situation, it is recognized that the investigation team of this case has no leakage investigation content.

For reporters' responsibilities and news ethics requirements for protecting the source of the news, they refused to disclose the true identity of the providing information.The inspection or investigation team violates the incident of investigation.

The North Inspection also called on the content of the report on the report of this case, and the obligations of the verification should be done. For rumors or news of unknown or unknown sources, do not add speculation and follow the trend to avoid damage to news reports.The credibility of the public is misleading, or the reputation or privacy of the parties' reputation or privacy.

The North Inspection emphasized that the Department will still strictly require the investigation team to obey the relevant provisions of the operating measures of uninteresting operations, and continue to pay close attention to whether the case is violated in this case.Once it is found that those who violate the investigation are not disclosed, it will be responsible for strictly shall be shared in accordance with the law.

After Ke Wenzhe was detained, the outside world broke the news.Many Taiwanese media have previously reported that the Taipei Procuratorate has recently found a USB portable disk from Ke Wenzhe's home, saying "2022/11/1 Xiaoshen 1500 Shen Qingjing", which caused all parties to speculate what the meaning of the "1500" means.

When Ma Yuwen was on the show, he claimed to be exclusive to master the contents of the USB portable disc, and said that "1500" refers to Ke Wenzhe received 15 million yuan by Shen Qingjing, and the news of the self -explosion was from the inspection system.Ma Yuwen also said that she had a trust of 200%of the source of the news and said that she had run this inspection line for at least seven years.

After the above news flows out, it has caused the outside world to question that the prosecution violations were not disclosed.The Taipei Procuratorate took the initiative to investigate whether there was a leak of the personnel of the Jinghua City case, and called Ma Yuwen on Monday to explain on Monday.