The DPP ruling in Taiwan plans to propose a proposal in the Legislative Yuan "UN General Assembly No. 2758 will not be involved in Taiwan".The Democratic Progressive Party's government should be carefully evaluated.The Democratic Progressive Party criticized that the Kuomintang was pulling Taiwan's hind legs.

Comprehensive Taiwan United Daily News and Zhongshi News Network reported that after Australia and the Netherlands passed the decision of the United Nations General Assembly No. 2758, the Democratic Progressive Party Legislative Council stated that it will open in the new session of the Legislative Yuan period.After the discussion, the same resolution was proposed, hoping to support Taiwan together.

However, Lin Siming said on Monday (16th), thanking countries for their support for Taiwan, but he believes that cross -strait relations are greater than international relations.Whether the attitude of parliament represents its government attitude, will it affect the government's policies for mainland China?

The Democratic Progressive Party held a press conference on the same day.DPP legislator Hong Shenhan said at the meeting that he visited the Netherlands a few days ago. Local parliament members told them that the Netherlands was ready to support Taiwan. I did not expect that Taiwan's largest party in the wild party had questioned the international Taiwan resolution.

Hong Shenhan said that the attitude of the Kuomintang is actually a signal that is wrong and dangerous to the international release, and says that the Kuomintang is pulling Taiwan's hind legs.He also said that the Kuomintang's move was following mainland China's international space against Taiwan, and believed that the Kuomintang should apologize to Taiwan society.

Hong Shenhan criticized: "With such a political party, there is such the maximum in the wild party, do we still need an enemy?When the Democratic Progressive Party Director Wu Siyao also said that when the Australian parliament made relevant motion half a month ago, Lin Siming stated that the Taiwan Legislative Yuan did not oppose passing a similar resolution.The high -level pressure of the Kuomintang changed his mouth?

Wu Siyao continued, Chen Binhua, a spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China, "should not be supported by the world's countries" at a press conference last week.Affected by "

UNAC 2758 resolutions were approved on October 25, 1971 at the UN General Assembly Conference.The decision decision: The representative of the People's Republic of China government is the only legal representative organized by China in the United Nations. The People's Republic of China is one of the five permanent members of the Security Council.It is the sole legal representative of China in the United Nations organization, and immediately expels Chiang Kai -shek's representative from the seats illegally occupied by it in the United Nations organization and all its institutions.