The United States Association in Taiwan (AIT) on Saturday (September 14) emphasized that the United States respects Taiwan's democratic rule of law and will not intervene in Taiwan's judicial cases.

Comprehensive joint newspaper Free Times reported that a spokesman for the United States Association in Taiwan in the Taiwan Association will make a response to AIT intervention in response to the Beijing -Huacheng case.

The Kuomintang Taiwan's former representative of the Taiwan representative Jiewen said on the political program of the Political Acts that if the Beijing Castle Case was renewed, the US Association in Taiwan will intervene in the Taiwan Association.Xiao Xucen, the executive chief of the Ma Ying -jeou Foundation, also said that AIT's concern is 100 % true.

AIT responded, Xiao Xucen said again that AIT only denied intervention in Taiwan's justice and did not say that they did not care.AIT's answer is an American -style answer, which is in line.Xiao Xucen emphasized that Taiwan cannot be reduced to a pawn, let alone make the internal fighting into an international joke.

AIT Taipei Office Director Gu Liyan held the first press conference after taking office on the 4th of this month. When asked about the case of Ke Wenzhe, the United States did not comment on Taiwan's internal affairs issues, but he has always followed Taiwan's democracy.System development.

Freedom Times quoted foreign -related people reported that some people said that AIT would interfere with Taiwan's justice and create a Taiwan judicial system that is not trusted by the United States, and thereby making Taiwan society have no confidence in justice.It is reported that all foreign governments in the world have no laws of democratic countries asking Taiwan's judicial cases. Only the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China issued opinions on the Ke Case and also referred to Taiwan's justice.

At a press conference held on the 11th of this month, the National Taiwan Affairs Office responded to the question of the Qingde government on the stage of the Kenzhe case, which repeatedly manipulated judicial and administrative methods., Create green terror in Taiwan.