Ke Wenzhe, the party chairman of the Taiwan people who are trapped in a number of disadvantages, will temporarily leave the post of chairman of the party. Chen Zhizheng, director of the Party Legislative Yuan of the People's Party Legislative Yuan, said that the press conference on Thursday (August 29) in the afternoon, Political responsibilities that should be held, and related people will be responsible.

Comprehensive Sanli News Network and Zhongtian News reported that Ke Wenzhe will hold a political donation to clarify a press conference at 3 pm on Thursday.Party Secretary -General Zhou Yuxiu will attend the meeting.

Chen Zhizhen explained on Thursday morning that the political contributions have developed to this day, and the outside world hopes that Ke Wenzhe and the past competition can always explain clearly and explain questions.

She said that in the afternoon, the press conference in addition to reporting the flow of political contributions and balances, "the political responsibility that should be held, and the related people will bear it."

In response to whether the so -called "political responsibility" resigned, Chen Zhiyi said that the press conference in the afternoon will explain the unified explanation of the press conference in the afternoon.

Ke Wenzhe is currently trapped in the three major cases of political contributions and fake accounts, Jinghua City, and other three major cases.When the chartered public and the emphasis on the party's party, the voice of Ke Wenzhe's demanding Ke Wenzhe inside and outside the party continued.

The Taiwan media quoted on Wednesday (August 28) that Ke Wenzhe would hold a press conference on Thursday to announce the reporting form to the Party Central Committee to leave the party chairman.