Taiwan Lai Qingde visited the United States to visit the United States to visit the United States, who visited the United Nations. Heali stated that Taiwan would strengthen its own national defense force and economic toughness, and seek peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait with strength.

According to the official website of the Taiwan government, Lai Qingde met with the Presidential Palace with Nikki Haley on Thursday (August 22).

When Lai Qingde gave a speech, thanked Heili for serving as a representative of the United Nations, he spoke for Taiwan. He strongly advocated that Taiwan's health human rights should not be excluded from the World Health Organization (WHO).Taiwan join the international community to obtain more performance space and encourage the United Nations and international organizations to accept Taiwan.

Lai Qingde also thanked He Li when facing the threat of Mainland China, and publicly called on the United States and the international community to support Taiwan, and advocated that the United States should sign a free trade agreement with Taiwan to avoid being targeted and isolated by mainland China.Let Taiwan have greater power to fight against the mainland.

Lai Qingde said that Taiwan deeply understands the political changes of geographical land and the rise of totalitarianism has caused global democracy to be strongly threatened.The camp stands together to give full play to the power of deterioration to prepare for the war to avoid war, and use the strength to find the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.