Two Taiwan fighters were originally scheduled to perform advanced medium -range missile testing missions on Thursday (August 22), but it is reported that it is reported to shout cards because of mainland China Electric Survey in the eastern waters of Taiwan.

The Taiwan Free Times reported that the two F-16V two-seater fighters of the Air Force Hualien Base were originally scheduled to perform the AIM-120C-5 advanced medium-range missile test task in the early morning of the 22nd, but due to mainland China Electricity InvestigationIn the eastern waters, they were involved in the related parameters of the test of testing. The task was affected by the temporary shouting card. The four missiles mounted by the two fighters were not carried back.The Taiwan Air Force is quite low -key and does not express their views.

The official website of the Ministry of Defense of Taiwan announced that from 6 am on Wednesday (21st) to 6 am on Thursday, eight military aircraft were discovered, and six mainland warships continued to move around the Taiwan Strait.

On the other hand, the Liberty Times also reported that the Taiwan military was originally scheduled to test the Xiongs three missiles on Thursday, but it was not executed for unknown reasons.

This test firing belongs to the Taiwan military's annual major training "Sea and Sky Precision Missile Fit".Five various missiles were launched on the first day. In the early morning of Wednesday, the suspected Tianjian Type Type (Lu Shijian Sword 2) missiles were fired on Wednesday morning.

On Thursday, the fighters were on the fighter to mount missiles and male three missiles.The Xiongs three missile launchers rose to the launch shelf twice, but finally did not perform the test firing for unknown reasons.