Hsinchu mayor Gao Hong'an, who had previously withdrawn from the Taiwanese party, was plagiarized by the court for doctoral dissertation and sentenced to 10 months in accordance with the crime.The court pointed out that Gao Hongan had tried to observe the problem of plagiarism of her doctoral dissertation and regarded justice as a tool to make critics.

Comprehensive reports of Taiwan reporting and ETTODAY News reported that Gao Hongan was suspected of plagiarism by Chen Shi Fen (pen name: Weng Rida), a professor of the United States in the United States during the campaign of the mayor of Hsinchu in 2022.Gao Hongan reported that Chen Shi was slander and eventually did not sue, and then Chen Shiqi anti -control Gao Hong'an was suspected of being accused.

The collegiate panel of the Taipei District Court tried the above cases on Wednesday (August 21), and ruled that Chen Shizhan won the lawsuit, and Gao Hong'an was convicted.

The judge pointed out that after comparing the doctoral dissertation submitted by Gao Hong'an in 2018, and two journal papers in the 2017 Institute of Zero, Gao Hongan's text and guidance professors in 2017, found that the text and charts in the journal papers in the journal papers were bothLarge -length, almost a word, is referenced in a doctoral dissertation, and obviously surpassed the rational scope of use.

The judge believes that although Gao Hong'an argued that he was the first author of the journal papers and was "self -plagiarism", since the journal paper was co -authored by Gao Hongan and the other three authors, it would be difficult to determine that Gao Hong'an was purely Gao Hong'an."Your own work".

The judge also pointed out that Chen Shifen accused Gao Hong'an's papers that plagiarized and the facts did not contrary to the facts. Gao Hong'an accused Chen Shien suspected of aggravating slander. Obviously, Chen Shifen accused him of being inaccessible to the election of the mayor of Hsinchu at the time.On August 26th, Chen Shifen was charged with suspected aggravation of slander, the purpose of.

After the judge, Gao Hong'an denied the offender, decorating his words, failed to face the offender, and had a poor attitude after the offender.Mayor, now suspended from the incident, sentenced to sentence in October and appealed.

Gao Hong'an was previously charged with the assistance of assistant remuneration and overtime pay when he served as the people's parties as a legislature in 2020. He was suspected of scamming about 460,000 yuan (NT $ 10,8800).She was sentenced to seven years and four months in July this year and four years of public power.

Gao Hongan's mayor's post was immediately suspended, and she also announced the withdrawal from the Taiwan party.