The first European factorStocking in Germany on Tuesday (August 20), it is expected to be put into production in 2027.As Sino -US relations are increasingly tense, Europe is seeking to transfer the key supply chain of semiconductors to the European continent.

Comprehensive Bloomberg and Agence France -Presse reported that the factory was established by three companies, of which TSMC invested 3.5 billion euros (S $ 5 billion), holding 70%of the shares;The German INFINEON and Bosch each hold 10%each.

The above -mentioned factory is expected to cost 10 billion euros, of which 5 billion euros will be subsidized by the German government. This is the largest approved funding approved by the European chip law and the first funding contributed by Germany.

This factory will be built in a semiconductor industrial center "Silicon Saxony" in eastern Germany to produce chips for Germany's automobile and industrial field.The factory plans to put in production in 2027 and achieve full load production in 2029. It is expected that 480,000 slices of silicon wafers can be produced each year.

German Prime Minister Tsurtz attended the factory's soil ceremony on Tuesday: "Our sustainable future technology depends on semiconductor, but we must not rely on semiconductor supply in other parts of the world."

Feng Delin, the chairman of the European Commission who also attended the ceremony, described this as a win -win project.She said that the entire EU's industry will benefit from more reliable supply chain and tailor -made new products; in this era of tight geopolitical situations, TSMC can also benefit from the diversification of industrial bases.

The chairman of TSMC Wei Zhejia said after the ceremony that the factory received strong support from the EU, Germany, Saxon, Dresden, and other levels. "I am very happy and perfect."

It is reported that after the interruption of the supply chain caused by the crown disease and the deterioration of Sino -US relations, the European Union is seeking to expand the capacity of semiconductor.The United States, Japan and other countries are also providing a large amount of subsidies to the chip industry to achieve localized production.

At present, TSMC has factories in Arizona and Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan. This factory that is about to move in Germany will be TSMC's first factory in Europe.Germany is leading the EU's plans to produce five -half of the global conductors by the European Union by 2030.