The Taiwan Ministry of the Interior said that recently received the report from the public, and the "Taiwan Provincial Church Straits Youth League" has been circulated in the name of religious exchanges to absorb Taiwanese youths.The united front activities will find out the matter and transfer it to the law according to law.

The Taiwan Interior Ministry of the Interior issued a press release on the official website on Saturday (August 10), saying that the public report has recently received the report.In the name, absorbing the joining of young people in Taiwan, suspected to cooperate with mainland China to conduct united front activities through religious exchanges on both sides of the strait.

To find out the authenticity of the matter, the Ministry of the Interior learned from the Taiwan Taoist Association that the association has not yet established the so -called "Straits Youth League".The Ministry of the Interior reminds that people's organizations to promote business handling cross -strait exchanges must abide by the relevant provisions of the Cross -Strait Regulations and handle business or activities. They should be guided and supervised by the competent institutions of various purposes.

The Ministry of the Interior pointed out that in recent years, there have been frequent religious exchanges on both sides of the strait, but there are still a few religious group suspected to cooperate with mainland China for united front activities.The Ministry of the Interior said that united front activities are different from ordinary normal communication activities. Normal communication activities basically have no special purpose, and the benefits are not involved in the process.Achieve political purposes.

The Ministry of the Interior emphasized that engaged in cross -strait religious exchanges should meet the norms, and adhere to the principle of dignity of peer, so as to show the characteristics of Taiwan ’s religion and folk beliefs, enhance the people on both sides of the straitThe benefits you deserve.However, the Ministry of the Interior does not allow groups to engage in political behavior in the name of religious names and will also strictly review them.

Earlier, Taiwan Lai Qingde said on Friday (9th) that the other side likes to entertain the people of Taiwan to travel to mainland China through religious exchanges, which has a great impact on Taiwan's security.Enrollment "turning".