The Taiwan Constitutional Court ruled that the majority of clauses of the Legislative Yuan's reform and revision law was suspended.

According to the Taiwan China Times report, the Constitutional Court ruled on Friday (July 19) that due to the Legislative Yuan's authority exercise law and criminal law on listening to the president's national conditions, listening to the report and inquiry of officials of the Executive YuanThe rights and hearing, the crime of contempt for Congress, and other unconstitutional disputes, decided to temporarily punish the bill (that is, the bill frozen).

This sentence means that Lai Qingde was exempted and asked about the national conditions report, and the imported egg and mirror TV survey team will be fictional due to no investigation right.

In this regard, Zhu Lilun said on Saturday (July 20) at the Legislative Yuan's reform briefing that the Democratic Progressive Party was the most afraid of to investigate and disadvantages, so "they will do everything possible."However, the people need the truth. Taiwan needs the sun and needs to reveal the disadvantages. For this reason, the Blue Camp will continue to work hard to preach on the local streets.

In response to Lai Qingde's inquiry, the instant question and answer could not be achieved. Zhu Lilun said that the Kuomintang will continue to invite Lai Qingde to the Legislative Yuan for a national conditions report, which is also "the promise of Lai Qingde."

Aiming at the contente conclusion words court that is about to be held on August 6, Zhu Lilun said that even if many people think that the big judges and the DPP have arranged their preset position early, "But we still think the society is in society.There is fairness and justice. "

Zhu Lilun said that the right to investigate and hearings in the Legislative Yuan is the claim of many democratic countries in the world, and "it is the claim of the DPP predecessors."He said that the main progress of the Taiwanese people and Taiwan are going to the world. The world is watching the constitutional interpretation case.