Gu Liyan, the new director of the United States Association (AIT), met with Taiwan Lai Qingde on Wednesday (July 10) and mentioned the policy of a Chinese Chinese policy during his speech.The "One Middle School" was not written when it was written, and the outside world was regarded as "bearing the sound".

The Taiwan media quoted the scholars' views reports that the press release of the Taiwan government was "deliberate and unintentionally". It was suspected that the government was deliberately missed the politics in Taiwan.It means strong.

Joint News reported that AIT actively issued a press release after the meeting, and the content also presented a complete statement of Gu Liyan's policy on Taiwan Relations Law, three joint communiqués, six guarantees, and one -China policy.

According to the speech provided by the official website of AIT, Raymond Greene emphasized at the time: "The United States will continue to support Taiwan, which is also in line with the United States' long -term Taiwan relations law, three joint communiqués and six guarantees in the United States"


However, the press release provided by the official website of the Taiwan government wrote when referring to Gu Liyan's speech: "The United States supports Taiwan in line with the United States' long -term Taiwan relations law and China China Against law and China Central China Relations Law, China China Relations Law, China China Relations Law, China China Relations Law, China China Relations Law, China China Relations Law, China China Relations Law, China China Relations Law, China China Relations Law, China China Relations Law, China China Relations Law, China China Relations Law, China China Relations Law, China China Relations Law, China China Relations Law, China China Relations Law, China China Relations Law and China ChinaThe three joint communiqués of the United States and the guidance of the "six guarantees'" press releases did not appear the word "one middle".

Joint News reported that Yan Zhensheng, a researcher at the International Relations Center of Taiwan ’s Political University, believes that this is likely to be the decision made by the Presidential Palace for the correct politics.China, but it is not considered part of China to accept Taiwan, so that they are unwilling to mention the concept of China.

Li Dazhong, a professor at the Institute of International Affairs and Strategy of Tamkang University, said that the content of the press release must be repeatedly considered. AIT will focus on handling the press release in this way.Policies and policies remind Taiwan to be strong.

As for whether Lai Government intentionally jumps out of the framework of the cross -strait, the joint newspaper quoted the analysis and reports of unnamed scholars.The taste is not deliberately ", but it may not be intentionally stepped on the red line.

Lianhe Daily also published an article saying that Gu Liyan first met and reiterated to Lai Qingde's policy position. It was the United States' reminder to the Lai government as a warning.The speech of the US position, the policy of the one -China policy 'to be awarded, whether it is the misjudgment of the wrong focus, or a small action that wants to cover, it has injured the US trust in the Lai government. "