(Taipei Comprehensive News) The Ministry of Defense of Taiwan announced on Thursday that 66 Chinese military aircraft were activated around the Taiwan Strait, with a number of times this year.One day before, the Taiwan military also detected that mainland aircraft carriers appeared in the northern part of the northern part of the Philippines not far from the southernmost part of Taiwan.

The Taiwan Ministry of National Defense on Thursday (July 11) was reported on the official website that from 6 am on Wednesday (10th) to 6 am on Thursday, a total of 66 military aircraft and seven sub -continental warships were found around the Taiwan Strait. Among them, of which56 secondary military aircraft flew across the Taiwan Strait Middle Line and entered the north, southwest and southeast airspace in the Taiwan Air Defense identification area.

The schematic diagram released by the Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan shows that 56 secondary mains, auxiliary fighters and drones entering these three airspaces have 61.12 kilometers from the swimmed to the south, and 133.34 kilometers from Keelung, which is from the north.Among them, a total of 39 military aircraft entered the southwest and southeast airspace.

The Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan also announced two photos, one is the black and white image of the mainland J -16 fighter, and the other is a color image of the mainland bomber with a nuclear warhead, but there is no specific explanation of these two photos.The location and time of shooting.

The Taiwan Ministry of National Defense also reported on Wednesday that 36 sub -military aircraft flew across the Taiwan Strait and its extension line. It went to the Western Pacific Ocean through southern Taiwan and the southeast airspace to cooperate with the mainland navy aircraft carrier "Shandong" to perform sea and air joint training.

Taiwan Strait Patrol Office: Four mainland maritime police boats enter the Golden Gate Water

The official website of the Taiwan Marine Patrol Department Golden Horse Peng Branch also announced a press release on Thursday stating that four mainland maritime police ships were found at 7 am that day, and they drove from the waters of the Golden Gate waters from the waters of the Eastern, Southeast, Zhai Shan, and the south of Fengzui.EssenceThe Taiwan Maritime Patrol Department immediately sent four sea patrol boats to monitor the corresponding one -to -one monitoring, search and warning to drive away.

Agence France -Presse quoted Su Ziyun, director of the National Defense Strategy and Resources Research Institute of the Taiwan Institute of Defense and Security, analyzed that the latest military display in the mainland is a reaction to the development of recent political situations.Gu Liyan, the new director of the United States Association in Taiwan, met with Taiwan Lai Qingde on Wednesday and expressed his support for Taipei.

Reuters reported that since July this year, Taiwan has reported that more than 270 sub -military aircraft have been activated near Taiwan, as well as two joint combat reserve patrols of military aircraft and warships.

Taiwan Foreign Minister: It is negotiating with the United States to incorporate Taiwan into the friendly bank outsourcing policy

According to the Liberty Times, the former US White House Deputy National Security Consultant Bo Ming, who visited Taiwan last month, stated that Taiwan has supported Taiwan to join the US "defense supply chain".Sun Xiaoya, director of the United States Association in Taiwan, said that Taiwanese private enterprises must meet the standards of US defense supply chain in the future to join.

Taiwan Foreign Minister Lin Jialong said in tea with the media on Wednesday that the US "Friends Outsourcing" policy has been included in Taiwan, and the specific projects are still undergoing negotiations.He further said that in the military supply chain of the United States in the Russia -Ukraine War, the weapons, ammunition and related equipment required can be produced near Taiwan, and Taiwan -US cooperation can move towards this large direction.