With the easing of the monetary policy of major global economies, Yang Jinlong, president of the Central Bank of Taiwan Central Bank, said that there is currently no plan to cut interest rates in Taiwan, and interest rate decisions should not only look at real estate.

Comprehensive Taiwan China Times and Wind Media reports, the Finance Committee of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan invited Yang Jinlong and President Peng Jinlong, chairman of the HKMA on Wednesday (July 10).Follow the focus.

In response to the central bank's interest rate reduction schedule, Yang Jinlong said that the situation in Taiwan is different from the United States. When the Central Bank of China considers currency decisions, it will measure internal and external conditions, but so far, Taiwan has no interest rate cut planning.

But Yang Jinlong shows that if the central banks around the world are cutting interest rates and spilling effects on Taiwan, Taiwan will also measure international and internal conditions.

In response to legislators, the current Taiwan stock market has risen, will the property market rising further? Yang Jinlong admits that this is possible, but the level of interest prices will not only be real estate, but it will also affect the enterprise.And individuals, so the central bank "not only looks at real estate just" in interest rate decisions.

He said that the central bank's duties are financial stability, and house prices are not the operating goals of the Central Bank Law, but if the house prices are too high and foam, I am afraid it will endanger the bank's system's claims, resulting in the unbearable or even overflowing affected by the industry.Economic development.

In response to the legislators asking the government to raise the salary of military education, the price will be promoted. Yang Jinlong pointed out that the military education adjustment and basic salary increase have a small impact.The salary cost of small and medium -sized enterprises and merchants may be passed on to the price, and the military education adjustment is relatively simple.

He judged that Taiwan would not have "inflation spiral", "the issue of inflation slowly eased."

At present, the monetary policy tone of the central banks of the world's major economies has changed from tightening to loose.