Xie Guoliang, the mayor of KMT Keelung, who was in the wild in Taiwan, was caught in the dismissal. The Kuomintang mayor Taipei Jiang Wanan, the mayor of Xinbei Hou Youyi, and Zhang Shanzheng, the mayor of Taoyuan, helped to oppose Xie Guoliang.

Comprehensive Taiwan China Times and NOW News reports, Jiang Wanan, Hou Youyi, Zhang Shanzheng and Xie Guoliang four Kuomintang counties and cities on Thursday (July 11) attended the promotion of green transportation combined propaganda activities.

Whether to show this activity in combination is designed to show her support for Xie Guoliang, Jiang Wanan said that Xie Guoliang's construction in Keelung City is obvious to everyone, so if it is for dismissal, this operation will hurt the damage to hurtDemocracy in Taiwan.

Hou Youyi said that Beibei Peach is a common life circle. In recent yearsWell, everyone is obvious to all, I believe the people will have a clear judgment.

Zhang Shanzheng also said that what Xie Guoliang did within his tenure of Keelung was defending the rights and interests of the citizens of Keelung, and everyone supported him very much.

Aiming at the support of the other three heads, Xie Guoliang said: "We Beibei North Peach is one in one. Everyone will make a better municipality in the future. Then I am also very grateful to the three.Mayor's concern for Keelung. "

In February of this year, the Keelung Citizens organized the establishment of the "Shanhai Citizen Disassembling Action", calling on Xie Guoliang to accuse Xie Guoliang of many politics jumping votes after taking office as mayor of Keelung, and the politics satisfaction at the bottom.

The proposition of Xie Guoliang was launched on March 8th and passed the Selection Session on April 8. At present, the dismissal of the second stage has reached the standard, and the removal case will be held as soon as September.