Russia launched a new round of large -scale air strikes to Ukraine on Monday (July 8), one of which hit a children's hospital in Kiev, Ukraine.The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs has strongly condemned it, and at the same time announced that it donated $ 200,000 (S $ 270,000) to the attack hospital to assist the hospital to purchase emergency medical supplies.

Russia launched multiple missiles in many places in Ukraine Monday, one of which hit the Ohmatdit Children's Hospital in Kiev, causing a big bang, causing two people to die, more than 10 people,Injuried.The large -scale attacks killed at least 41 people and injured more than 170 people.

The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a press release on Tuesday (9th) on the official website that the air strike caused multiple damage to the Ohmatdit Children's Hospital, and dozens of innocent children and the people were killed and injured."The Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly condemned the atrocities of Russia's attacking hospital and the atrocities of children."

Taiwan Foreign Ministry said that after the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War in February 2022, the people in Taiwan played their hunger and hunger for the first time.The humanitarian spirit of people drowned, donating a total of more than 900 million yuan (NT $ 37.26 million) to assist Ukraine, of which $ 1 million was used to assist the Omar Children's Hospital to purchase medical equipment and supplement medical energy.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has invited the hospital's representative office to express condolences to the hospital's dean for this attack.Medical supplies are required, and necessary assistance will be provided.

Taiwan Foreign Ministry said that Taiwan has extended an international humanity and extended a helping hand to the affected hospitals, sick children and family members to help protect the basic dignity and humanity of the Ukraine people.

The Foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs also called on Russia to respect Ukraine's sovereign independence and territorial integrity, terminate aggression as soon as possible, and restore peace.Taiwan will continue to fulfill the responsibilities of the good members of the international community, cooperate with the country similar to the country, and defend the universal value of democracy, freedom, rule of law and human rights.