Zheng Wencan, chairman of the Taiwan Strait Exchange Foundation, was involved in greedy insurance. It is reported that if Zheng Wencan decides to resign, the media person Wu Fengshan takes over.

According to the Taiwan News on Sunday (July 7), relevant persons on both sides of the strait believe that after Zheng Wencan involved in greed, he may resign the chairman of the Sea Foundation.Luo Wenjia, also Secretary -General.

The report quoted people familiar with the matter and said that Lai Qingde originally asked Wu Fengshan to serve as chairman of the Sea Foundation.Zheng Wencan resigned, Wu Fengshan took over the call.

Wu Fengshan was a party -free supervisory committee.People familiar with the matter said that the chairman of Lai Qingde's intention was Wu Fengshan, but Cai Yingwen, who was still on office, suggested Lai Qingde. "Zheng Wencan is the soul of the governing team.It is helpful to both sides of the strait. "

People familiar with the matter said that Tsai Ing -wen also said at the time that if this seat was made by any independent person, "it will become a card", "Wen Can do, there is futuristic, the society will accept,The party will accept it. "Cai Yingwen did not know that Lai Qingde had "belonged to his heart."

Former legislators Guo Zhengliang believes that Luo Wenjia, vice chairman of the Sea Foundation, has obviously relying on the "British Fight".Essence

Zheng Wencan, who used to be the mayor of the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party, was suspected of corruption and was banned by the Taoyuan Procuratorate on Saturday (6th).The Taoyuan District Court ruled that Zheng Wencan paid the insurance for 5 million yuan (NT $ 210,000), restricting residence and restricting exit and going to sea.

Lai Qingde made a tough statement when responding: "Do not distinguish between the party, do not ask who, as long as illegal, the inspection should be investigated, do not indulge.The important work is to maintain the survival and development of the country, the stability of the society, and the profound expectations of the people.