Sandra Oudkirk, director of the United States Association in Taiwan (AIT) in Taipei, uploaded a video on Facebook before leaving office.Many achievements are more proud of the United States and Taiwan relations.

Sun Xiaoya said in a video uploaded on Facebook on Saturday (July 6) that Taiwan was the starting point of her diplomat career.Taiwan has just completed the first comprehensive democratic election.

Looking back at the development of the past 30 years, Sun Xiaoya said that she was proud of the amazing achievements in Taiwan, and it was also proud of the other parties because the efforts of both parties became more closely linked.Being able to represent the American people in Taiwan, "experience in Taiwan has made me a better person."

Sun Xiaoya said that during the three years when he served as the director of AIT, the United States and Taiwan became partners and cooperated together to achieve many achievements together to expand the relationship between the people;The number of visitors to Taiwan has broke the record to ensure that Taiwan has the ability to maintain self -defense.

She also mentioned that this year's testimony of the election process of Taiwan and the president Lai Qingde, which made her unable to think of the core value of the United States and Taiwan, "freedom, democracy, and innovation", "these values ​​deeply penetrated throughIn your life, we are closely linked to "and enable the US -Taiwan society to establish a long -lasting partnership.

Sun Xiaoya finally said in Chinese: "There is no banquet in the world, but Taiwan will always occupy the most special position in her heart, thank you Taiwan."The new AIT Director will be replaced by Raymond Greene, a US Minister in Japan.For the first time, Gu Liyan was the deputy leader of the political group of the AIT Taipei Office. From June 2018 to July 2021, he served as the deputy director of the AIT Taipei Office. He was also a son -in -law of Taiwan.