The latest polls released by the Taiwan Meilimao Electronics News showed that President Lai Qingde's governing dissatisfaction rose by 9.4%in June.The executive director Zhuo Rongtai's governance dissatisfaction rose to 11.1%in the same month.

Monday (July 1) Monday (July 1) announced the above polls on the official website.

The survey showed that 47.6%of the people expressed their satisfaction (13.5%of them were satisfied and 34.1%were still satisfied) from May.(16.4%of them are dissatisfied, and 18.3%are a bit dissatisfied.) It was a sharp increase of 9.4 percentage points from May, and 17.7%were not clearly answered.

In the May investigation, it can be seen that 11.8%of the people who originally watched and looked at Lai Qingde had already evaluated it for a month after he was in power, and the transfer of dissatisfaction was obviously more satisfied (the former accounted for 80%)Essence

As for Zhuo Rongtai's governance performance in June, the survey showed that 38.6%expressed satisfaction (11.0%of which are satisfied and 27.6%are still satisfied)%Dissatisfied (13.0%of them are dissatisfied and 16.9%are a bit dissatisfied), an increase of 11.1 percentage points higher than May, and 31.5%those who did not explicitly answered.

It can be seen that in the May investigation, 18.1%of the people who originally watched the unpreparedness when they took office, and they had already evaluated it after his administration was one month, and the dissatisfaction was more satisfactory (the former accounted for 60%one by one and one one for one one.To.

The Meilimao Electronics News investigated the 20 -year -old people in Taiwan in Taiwan from June 25th to 27th.(752 residential telephones and 322 mobile phone calls), the maximum value error of the sample when the sample is 95%trust is ± 3.0%.