Liang Wenjie, deputy chairman of the Taiwan MAC, said on Monday (July 1) on a local broadcast program that there is indeed risks to the people of Taiwan to go to mainland China now.Fragments of the National Security Law of the mainland.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily Free Times reported that Liang Wenjie talked about the MAC to upgrade the land and Macao tourism alert to the orange lamp.) It was said that the tourism warning of the mainland was originally yellow. After the crown disease epidemic, the lamp number had to be turned into gray. However, due to the launch of the National Security Law and the Anti -Spy Law in the mainland, the yellow lamp was maintained last year.

Liang Wenjie said that the mainland now launchs "22 opinions" (the judicial interpretation document of punishment of Taiwan independence). The Taiwanese people are indeed risky to the Chinese mainland. The Taiwan government has the responsibility to remind and protect the people of Taiwan.

The current tourism warning is divided into four levels, namely the gray warning reminding the attention, paying special attention to the safety of travel and reviewing the yellow warning that should be avoided, the orange warning that avoids the necessary travel, and the should not go as soon as possible to go as soon as possibleRed warning from leaving.

After Beijing issued a judicial interpretation document for punishment of Taiwan ’s independence, the Taiwan MAC announced that it was promoted to the orange lamp in mainland China and Hong Kong and Macau. It is recommended that Taiwanese people avoid unnecessary travel.

Liang Wenjie also said that it is reported that a Taiwanese businessman has been charged to violate the National Security Law of the Mainland recently, but why the specific situation is unclear and said that there are many examples like this, and the people in Taiwan should pay more attention.

On the other hand, in response to the reporters of the Xinhua News Agency to produce a political program in Taiwan, Liang Wenjie said in response that the reporter has left the country and the current administrative survey is traceable."Because everyone deny", but it does not rule out some evidence, and the results will be announced naturally.