The Taiwan Executive Yuan proposed reconsideration on the Legislative Yuan Reform Act passed by the Legislative Yuan. The Legislative Yuan will vote on the reconsideration on Friday (June 21).According to the current political ecology of Ono, the reciprocity is likely to be rejected.

Executive Dean Zhuo Rongtai pointed out on Thursday (June 20) in the Legislative Yuan's entire court committee that if the reconnaissance may not be established smoothly, in accordance with the Constitutional Executive Yuan to acceptDiscuss with public law scholars and the Executive Yuan, and propose constitutional interpretation after the law is effective.

Article 57 of the Constitution originally stipulated that if the Executive Yuan failed, the president of the Executive Yuan should accept the resolution or resign.However, Article 3 (2), paragraph 2, paragraph 2 of the Constitution, only "the president of the Executive Yuan should accept the resolution". Therefore, if the reconsideration fails, Zhuo Rongtai does not need to resign.

The Legislative Yuan passed the Legislative Court's Reform Act and other legislators such as the Legislative Yuan's authority at the end of May.Hearing rights.

The Executive Yuan believes that it is difficult to obstruct the violation of the constitution, and the Legislative Yuan is requested to reconsideily.Zhuo Rongtai went to the Legislative Yuan for two days on Wednesday (June 19) and on Thursday.

Zhuo Rongtai asked Guo Guowen, a DPP legislator Guo Guowen who answered the DPP legislator, and said that if the reconsideration failed, the Executive Yuan would propose constitutional interpretation after the law came into effect.

Guo Guowen also reminded that there will be two empty windows periods after the reconsideration is rejected: one after the law enters the law, the Constitutional court will be referee; the other will make a temporary punishment for six months.How will the Executive Yuan respond?

Zhuo Rongtai said that the general public is looking at the cognition and observance of the Constitution of the two houses of administrative and legislative houses. At this time, too many controversial behaviors should not be performed, otherwise it will cause greater constitutional disputes and even cause people to be greater.Always; if the opposition party wants to exercise the right to investigate and use the prosecutor to the Legislative Yuan, he will give priority to taking priority to take administrative work, main manpower planning and policy promotion.

Xu Qiaoxin, a legislator of the Kuomintang Kuomintang, listed the Legislative Yuan who had no substantial discussion, violated the democratic principles, and investigated the public in the Facebook in the Facebook.The official documents formally reconsidered by the Legislative Yuan became six items, and the words "No substantial discussion" and "no difference" were removed, and the Executive Yuan blatantly lied to the public.

Zhuo Rongtai explained that the content of Facebook was his mood at that time. The official document must use comparative legal words, and the content is similar.

The pro -green citizen group was originally expected to call on Wednesday for three consecutive days to call for the "blue bird" to express their opposition on the streets, but the number of attendees in the past two days has obviously gapd up with tens of thousands of people at the end of May.

The Kuomintang legislators have lined up the night shift on Thursday night to prevent variables on Friday.The Kuomintang will also mobilize the "Blue Eagle" to the masses this time, with the "Blue Bird" people on Friday morning.Police deployed 500 police forces to separate both sides.