(Taipei Comprehensive News) Sandra Oudkirk, director of the United States Association (AIT), said on Friday that the United States supports Taiwan's self -defense capabilities and is the first item in her four major goals in the office.Can deliver weapons that Taiwan has purchased as soon as possible.

Sun Xiaoya also said that the two parties in the United States have consistent opinions on supporting Taiwan, so no matter what the results of the presidential election in November this year, there will be no change.

Comprehensive Free Times and other Taiwan media news, Sun Xiaoya, who is about to step down will leave Taiwan in July.She reiterated during the last press conference during the term of office on Friday (June 14) that the United States will still follow the Taiwan Relations Law to support Taiwan's self -defense capabilities, and to strengthen Taiwan's role as a regional partner, and will also enforce the law at sea.In the issues such as humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, they continue to cooperate with Taiwan.

Sun Xiaoya pointed out that there are four major goals in the past three years: supporting Taiwan's self -defense capabilities, promoting global supply chain toughness, support for maintenance and expansion of Taiwan's international space, and deepening the United States Taiwan.Excellent economic relationship and the relationship between the people and the people.Each item reflects the long -term policy of the United States and has received cross -party support in Washington.

When asked about the delay of the US military sales in the United States, Sun Xiaoya said that the crown disease epidemic was impact on the US defense industry, but it is now recovering.The United States expects to deliver the weapons that has been purchased in Taiwan as soon as possible in the future, and then observe the situation of military sales.

When asked whether the United States would strengthen Taiwan's role in global toughness, she included the national defense industry, and she pointed out that Taiwan is the world's leader in the high -tech and electronics industry. In the future, national defense companies will become more high -tech.Taiwan is bound to play a role, whether it is a component supplier, and so on.Many U.S. defense enterprises come to Taiwan to show their interest in cooperation with projects such as information security protection, drones, etc., but she reminds Taiwan's private enterprises to meet the US defense supply chain standard in the future to join.