Taiwan Lai Qingde said that the discussion about "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China do not affiliate with each other" is based on the factual statement, including the former Tsai Ing -wen and Ma Ying -jeou have mentioned the position of "not affiliated with each other", but Ma Ying -jeou's office refutes the officeIt is said that "the two countries do not belong to each other."

The U.S. Times Weekly published an interview with Lai Qingde on Thursday (June 13).The party and government staff said that this is the first time that Lai Qingde has accepted an exclusive interview with overseas media after being elected president.Times Weekly took the leadership policy as the main axis and asked Lai Qingde's views on issues such as international cooperation and cross -strait affairs.

In response to how Lai Qingde defines "the principle of dignity and peer" talk with mainland China, Lai Qingde said that "the People's Republic of China should face up to the existence of the Republic of China", and take out sincerity with the legal government in Taiwan to conduct a legal government in Taiwan.Exchange and cooperation; second, every issue on both sides of the strait should be mutually beneficial and beneficial; third, when mainland China exchanges and cooperate with Taiwan, it should promote the well -being of the people on both sides of the strait and move towards peace and prosperity in the future.

Times Weekly subsequently asked, Lai Qingde mentioned in the inauguration speech that "the cross -strait does not affiliate with each other" caused a strong rebound in the mainland.Lai Qingde emphasized: "I am talking about facts, and I am not the first to talk about this fact. I have no intention of provocation."

He said, when the former Tsai Ing -wen in Taiwan was in 2021, when it was Double Ten in 2021, it wasIt has been mentioned in the four persistence content that "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China do not belong to each other." Ma Ying -jeou also mentioned that "the Republic of China is an independent country with sovereignty, and the cross -strait is not affiliated with each other."

Lai Qingde said that he is based on "Article 2 and Article 3 of the Constitution of the Republic of China". In the past few decades, the people, land, sovereignty, and government in Taiwan.Against country with sovereignty. ""My purpose is to unite the people of Taiwan."

According to the Taiwan United Daily report, Xiao Xucen, CEO of Ma Ying -jeou's office, issued a press release on Thursday evening, saying that "the two countries do not belong to each other" and"Do not belong to each other on both sides of the strait" is definitely different concepts.

He said that the "cross -strait does not belong to each other" proposed by Ma Ying -jeou, which represents the same China on behalf of the "Taiwan and the mainland region".Principles of oral expression.Lai Qingde said that "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China do not belong to each other" is the "New Two Kingdoms theory", and the concept is completely different.

Xiao Xucen also said that the press release of the Taiwan government translated the problem of foreign media into "the cross -strait is not affiliated with each other.""; Because" the cross -strait does not affiliate with each other "has no constitutional issues, it means that it is the same as the" cross -strait do not recognize sovereignty and do not deny each other "emphasized during the period of Ma Ying -jeou.

He said, unfortunately Lai Qingde deliberately used text games to deceive overseas media that did not understand Chinese."President Lai directly announces Taiwan independence when he has the ability. Do not use text games to deceive foreigners who do not understand Chinese.