Nvidia (also known as Huida) CEO Huang Renxun recently visited Taiwan not only set off "benevolent crazy" in Taiwan, but also enhanced the visibility of Taiwan's high -tech industries.) Development trend.Scholars of interviewees pointed out that these phenomena revealed that the Taiwan industry was facing serious tilt, but under the Sino -US science and technology war, it was the only way to Taiwan.

In order to participate in the Taipei International Computer Show, Huang Renxun visited Taiwan for two weeks in late May.During the period, he closely met Taiwan's supply chain manufacturers and highly evaluated Taiwan's high -tech industries, causing media attention.Where he went, he was full of enthusiastic fans to ask for signatures and photos, and was also described as "Renlai Crazy" and "Chasing the Tide of Honor".

When the founder of the Guangda Group of Taiwan OEMs Factory, Lin Baili, Lin Baili, invited Huang Renxun in Neihu in Taipei on the evening of June 5, there were hundreds of people rushing to rain, staying outside the store for three or four hours, only for only three or four hours, only for only three or four hours.In order to see Huang Renxun's style, even media reporters waiting for them followed the signature.

My hometown is in Neihu, and the engineer Zhang, who is usually working in Hsinchu Science Park, is one of the fans of the day.

He told the United Morning Post reporter that in fact, after Huang Renxun arrived in Taiwan on May 26, he hoped to have the opportunity to see idols with his own eyes.When we learned from the media, when Huang Renxun was going to eat in his hometown, he hurried back to Taipei after his class.

When asked why he was so enthusiastic about chasing the stars, he said that Huang Renxun was born in Taiwan and became an international science and technology giant with his own efforts to make him feel honored."Huang Renxun also allowed the world to see Taiwan's high -tech industry, and it made us otaku engineers who are not so much valued so much. Now it seems particularly important."

The CEO of Nvidia Huang Renxun visited Taiwan for two weeks in late May. Wherever he goes, he is full of enthusiastic fans for signatures and photos.The picture shows Lin Baili, founder of the Guangda Group of Taiwan's foundry Factory, invited Huang Renxun in Taipei on the evening of June 5 in Taipei. The public took photos of Huang Renxun and waited for Huang Renxun to sign.(Photo by Miao Zonghan)

In addition to setting off a whirlwind in the folk, Huang Renxun also announced that not only to set up a research and development center and headquarters in Taiwan, but also set up a second AI super computer center similar to TAIPEI-1, causing nine counties and cities to compete for fighting.

Huang Renxun said at an international press conference at the Taipei Computer Show that Nvidia invested in Taiwan, mainly because TSMC is a good friend of "Incredible", and Taiwan's electronic supply chain ecology is quite rich.He believes that Taiwanese manufacturers are proud.

In addition, when Huang Renxun gave a speech at the Taiwan University Stadium on the evening of June 2, he showed out 17 Taiwanese public and private universities that cooperated in 17 cooperation, which also became a topic.

TSMC held a board of directors on June 5, and also announced that four Taiwan universities including Taiwan University, Yangming Jiaotong University, Tsinghua University, and Chengcheng University donated NT $ 4 billion (about S $ 176 million).For long -term semiconductor research teaching and talent cultivation.

The four universities appeared in the list of supply chain partners showed by Huang Renxun.

Zhang Hongyuan, an associate professor of the Department of International Trade, Taiwan Zhili University of Science and Technology, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the reason why Huang Renxun set off a whirlwind in Taiwan, in addition to the pride brought about by the people’s Taiwan complex and the leadership of science and technology development, more importantly, more importantly, what is more important is that it is more important.He revealed the direction of Taiwan's future economic development.

Zhang Hongyuan believes that Huang Renxun has indeed strengthened the connection between Taiwan and the global semiconductor and AI supply chain, and the media effect caused by the Taiwan government throw relevant policies.This means that the existing industrial structure will have a crowded effect, and even the serious industry is inclined.

Wu Lingxiang, CEO of Taiwan Science and Technology Think Tank, believes that when the United States has the layout of Taiwan's TAIWAN Plus One, in order to obtain more bargaining chips to the US government, Taiwan can only have one road can be available.Go, that is, the most advanced chip process and packaging technology in Taiwan.

Wu Lingxiang said that Taiwan's Dugu blindly developing the semiconductor industry really has to do, but there must be side effects, such as the gap between the rich and the poor is increasing in the industry;Not only squeeze traditional industries, but even the living space of other communications industries.

In addition to Huang Renxun, Su Zifeng, the chief executive officer of the ultra -micro semiconductor (AMD) visited in Taiwan at the same time, also reported that he had evaluated NT $ 5 billion and set up a R & D center in Taiwan.

Su Zifeng, CEO of Su Zifeng, chief executive officer of ultra-micro-semiconductor (AMD), visited Taiwan to attend the Taipei International Computer Show in early June.The picture shows Su Zifeng delivered a special speech at the Taipei International Computer Show on June 3.(Agence France -Presse)

But Wu Lingxiang pointed out that whether it is Nvidia or ultra -micro, it is a research and development center in Taiwan, not the actual manufacturer."In case Taiwan is a bit dangerous, it is easy to move away from the R & D center. It is to pass all the information on the Internet. Then the computer is destroyed and the hard disk is destroyed."

Therefore, he believes that Huang Renxun and Su Zifeng's visit to Taiwan are actually not to expand investment in Taiwan, but to ensure that the supply chain headed by TSMC can stabilize the supply.

The content of the financial Times interview with the Financial Times before Huang Renxun's visit to Taiwan also indirectly confirmed the above analysis views.

Huang Renxun pointed directly at the Bayeng government at the time, in order to curb the export control of Chinese semiconductor manufacturing, and made the Silicon Valley chip industry as "Our Hands Tied Behind Our Back", it was impossible to sell advanced chips to the world.One of the biggest markets.

He said: "In theory, we can create chips outside Taiwan, but the Chinese market cannot be replaced."

This also shows that compared with mainland China, Taiwan is still available to Nvidia.

But Zhang Hongyuan pointed out that the AI ​​is a very important project in the US chip bill. "They (Nvidia, Super WeChat) increase investment in Taiwan, and it is absolutely impossible for the US government to do.The United States has made a silent endorsement for Taiwan's future economic security and even the future scientific and technological development, which also reflects support for Taiwan. "

He emphasized that it is unquestionable that Taiwan is deeper into the deeper intervention of Sino -US confrontation in high -tech fields, which will also strengthen the obstacles of the division of labor between cross -strait high -tech industries and even accelerate the decoupling of cross -strait industries.