The reconsideration proposed by the Taiwan Executive Yuan on the Affairs of the Legislative Yuan has been sent to the Legislative Yuan. The Democratic Progressive Party Legislative Yuan party called Ke Jianming to call on the seven reasons for the Executive Yuan to propose a reconsideration in the opposition party, hoping to pass the level.

Comprehensive reports of Taiwan ETTODAY News Cloud and Tai Pao reported that Taiwan Lai Qingde has been nucleated on Tuesday (June 11) that the Legislative Yuan Power Exercise Law on the Legislative Yuan on June 6, and the "Criminal Law of the Republic of China" and other amendments.The reasons for the reconsideration subsequently were subsequently requested by the Executive Yuan to review the Legislative Yuan for reconsideration. I hope that the Court of Courts will re -examine the bill and find out the greatest consensus that conforms to the interests of the Constitution and Taiwan.

Ke Jianming said in an interview with the Legislative Yuan on Wednesday (June 12) that the Legislative Council Procedure Committee has arranged the reconsideration report on Friday (June 14). All processes are transparentThe Democratic Progressive Party also hopes that the reconsideration may be successful.

He also called on the Legislative President South Korea Yu to convene the negotiations of the court and the field immediately, discuss the time arrangement of the reconsideration, and hope to calmly treat the seven reasons for reconsideration in the Welle Party legislators to let the reconsideration passed.

In response to the media asked whether the DPP would be a cup of Ge Fu, Ke Jianming asked, "The Democratic Progressive Party group hopes that the reconsideration is successful.

If the reconsideration is not approved, Ke Jianming said that he will wait for the presidential announcement to explain the constitution, and the relevant units, including the supervisory court, will explain the constitution.

In May of this year, Taiwan's opposition and the opposition to the law and the field due to the legal amendment of the Legislative Yuan. After the three -reading voting on May 28th, the Executive Yuan filed a reconsideration on the grounds of "obstructing difficulties" on the grounds of revision the law.

The seven major reasons proposed by the Executive Yuan include: there is no substantial discussion, violating the principles of democracy; confusing the dual head system, questioning the president's violation of the constitution;Justice; reviewing the right to personnel consent in the life, the important vacancy of the government; the definition of the contempt of the parliament is unknown and deliberately expand the power of the legislature; suspect that the officials are hypocritical statements, and they can claim the criminal responsibility.

However, the discussion of the "pouring case" in Taiwan ’s politics will also have recently occurred.The Kuomintang requested the executive director Zhuo Rongtai to take a political responsibility after the reconsideration failed, but Zhuo Rongtai refused and said that he still had a "pour" choice in the wild party, that is, he proposed that the "Executive Dean's inconsistent case" was proposed.Essence

According to the Taiwan Constitution, the president did not actively dissolve the Legislative Yuan by the President's active power.Passive dissolution.

Ke Jianming also shouted to the opposition party during the interview. "If there is a kind of inconsistent case, it will be fell to the cabinet and disbands the re -election of the parliament."According to a Taiwan media analysis, the DPP hopes to re -grasp the majority of the Legislative Yuan through the dissolution of the Legislative Yuan.