After Fu Kunzheng, the convener of the Kuomintang Legislative Yuan in Taiwan, visited mainland China, mainland China successively announced the news of favorable tourism and agricultural and fisheries products.The mainland official media issued a document on Tuesday (April 30) to promote the DPP to cancel various restrictions as soon as possible to create conditions for the restoration of cross -strait tourism and tourism to restore the normal conditions. Do not do the "block tiger" of cross -strait exchanges and exchanges.

China Central Radio and Television Terminal "Taitai Sea" WeChat public account posted that the mainland will take the lead in restoring Fujian residents to Matsu to travel and resume Fujian after a direct flight from Pingtan to Taiwan.Residents travel to Taiwan.At the same time, we sincerely welcome the majority of Taiwan compatriots to travel to the mainland.This moves the difficult Taiwanese tourist tourists to revitalize this. It is expected that the DPP responds to goodwill and "open the door to retreat" for cross -strait tourism exchanges as soon as possible.

The article said that compatriots on both sides of the strait belong to the Chinese nation, and the mainland always adheres to the concept of the "cross -strait family" and adopts positive measures to promote cross -strait exchanges and cooperation including tourism.EssenceIn May last year, the mainland resumed travel agencies to operate Taiwanese residents to the mainland team tourism business.New measures that Taiwan compatriots come to Fujian, etc., are full of sincerity and strong affection. They are using practical actions to promote cross -strait tourism back to the right track.

The article criticizes the DPP's well -being, regardless of the well -being of Taiwan compatriots, not only setting up unreasonable restrictions on tourism in Taiwan, but also a large -scale reversing of history."Forbidden Group Order".Regarding the opening measures of the mainland, the Democratic Progressive Party once again quibbled and dossed the pot, trying to obscure and deceive the people.

The article emphasizes that compatriots on both sides of the strait are family members. They often come, and they are often gone.The Democratic Progressive Party should follow public opinion, recognize the general trend, cancel all unprepared restrictions as soon as possible, and create conditions for the restoration of sightseeing and tourism on both sides of the strait.

Fu Kunzheng explained on Monday that he led a group to visit the achievements of mainland China last weekend, calling on Taiwan to wait for the president of Taiwan to improve cross -strait relations and let 23 million people live in peace.However, the Taiwan Mainland Council coldly responded that the mainland responded to Taiwan's two -way communication such as two -way communication between Taiwan's two -way tourist group in response to the two -way communication principles, nor normally, normally, and the traffic committees and transportation.The department and other departments further clarified the decision.