(Beijing Comprehensive News) U.S. President Biden signed the Taiwan Military Aid Act and required Tiktok's bill from the Chinese parent company's bytes.Essence

According to Reuters, Biden signed a package of foreign aid bills on Wednesday (24th), including military assistance to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.The jump fails to strip Tiktok in the next nine months to one year, and the Tiktok application will be prohibited from being launched in the United States.

According to a press release issued by the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a spokesman Lin Jian responded at a regular press conference on Monday that the United States insisted on passing and signing a Package Act of Foreign Aid in China with negative content related to China. China is in China.Resolutely oppose and have proposed solemn negotiation.

Lin Jian said that the bill seriously violated China's sovereignty, drummed to provide a lot of military aid to Taiwan, seriously violated the three joint communiqués of China and China and the United States, and sent a serious error signal to the "Taiwan independence" split forces to destroy the market economy and the market economy andThe principle of fair competition is targeted at other countries in the name of the so -called national security, "once again exposed the consistent nature of the United States for domineering and domineering."

Lin Jian said that the Chinese side urged the United States to respect the core interests and major concerns of the Chinese side, and shall not implement the negative clauses of the above bills."If the United States is intended, China will take resolute and powerful measures to firmly defend its own sovereignty security development interests."But he did not explain in detail what measures China will take.

拜登签署一揽子对外援助法案后,台湾府表示了感谢,并指拜登及美国国会跨党派议员持续以具体行动,展现对提升台美安全合作以及维持印太区域和平稳定的支持及Pay attention to.