Another case of death in the food poisoning case of Baolin Tea Room in Taipei in Taipei, Taiwan, has increased to four cases of death.

According to the Taiwan United Daily report, Wang Bicheng, the Secretary of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, confirmed on Monday (April 29) that after a case of death last Saturday (27th), another death case was added today.Two patients are still hospitalized.

According to reports, a newly added case of death on Monday was a 40 -year -old woman who had symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea after eating nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea after eating nausea in mid -March.Stable, but later due to severe infection, the condition deteriorated.Monday died at 3 o'clock in the morning due to multiple organ failure.

Wang Bicheng said that there are still two patients in the case of severe cases of poisoning cases. One is still hospitalized, one is a patient who receives liver replacement, and the other is still being treated with the intensive care unit.

The food poisoning case occurred in late March this year. Since March 19th, there have been uncomfortable symptoms of consumers. So far, 35 victims have been notified, of which four of them have died.

The Taipei Municipal Government held a press conference on April 2 to explain the progress of the investigation of the Chinese drug case. The investigation found that the restaurant's tools, cutting boards and personnel were detected.This toxin is accused of causing diners to poison in this case.