The candidate of the Taiwanese party president Ke Wenzhe called out "Breaking the new party country, new authority, and new trend" on Friday (October 27), and promised to form a joint government to break the existing "winner, the slotThe political system of non -balanced balance "and advocated that it was included in Hon Hai's founder Guo Taiming in the joint government.

综合台湾自由时报和中央社报道,柯文哲星期五在竞选总部举行“联合政府政策讨论座谈会”时说,联合政府在许多先进地区有成功案例,但台湾从未试验过、华人There is no relevant experience in society.Although it is not considered that the experience in Europe and the United States can be completely transplanted to Taiwan, because the reform of political engineering should be based on the Constitution and Constitutional Refining Code, it is still worthy of reference.

Ke Wenzhe said that his goal at this stage is to break the political system of "winners, no balance, no responsibility", to break the "new party country, new authority, and new trend", to take TaiwanGive it to the people.He pointed out that polls show that more than 65%of the people want political parties to rotate. At this stage, the goal of political parties cooperation should be political parties rotation, not "taking the opportunity to win Ke Wenzhe and expand their political parties."

Ke Wenzhe called for unity to unite all the power. Except for the new trend, all the forces can cooperate. Not only the people's party, the Kuomintang, but also the Guo Taiming."At this stage, why not let him join the country's construction of the country?"

In response to political parties, Ke Wenzhe explained that the content includes the action program, the presidential legislator election, and even the election.After the Legislative Yuan, the Deputy Dean and Vice President of the Legislative Yuan, and the summoning committee of the committee formed a proposal for the joint government.

He said that each party can sign a letter of intent for cooperation before the election. The content can include regional legislators to support each other."Most Alliances of Congress", as long as the principles of openness, transparency, professional division of labor, and clean efficiency can be upheld, they can form a joint government serving the people.

He believes that the coalition government can increase the continuity of the policy, and there will be no more "one dynasty, one dynasty", or the phenomenon of death.

Ke Wenzhe also promised that after the election, the country will condense the consensus of various political parties and resort to the third wave of democratic reforms.

Ke Wenzhe said that his ultimate reform goal is the cabinet system, but the constitutional amendment cannot be in place, so it will take a step -by -step method to move closer to the cabinet system.At that time, the president will go to the Legislative Yuan for a national conditions report, accept the inquiry of the Legislative Yuan party, and restore the power of the pavilion. The head of the Ministry will accept the hearing of the Legislative Yuan and abolish the relevant businesses of the two hospitals.

Ke Wenzhe also advocates that the legislator election has been changed from the establishment of the formulation to the joint system.The two -pole confrontation transformed into a diversified cooperation; re -promoted the 18 -year -old citizenship and reduced the right to election to 23 years.

In addition to inviting the general director of the campaign Huang Shanshan and the secretary -general Zhou Taizhu, the seminar also invited Lin Tengzheng, a retired professor at the Law Department of Soochow University, Peng Jinpeng, a deputy professor of the political department of Taiwan University, Liu Shubin, a professor at Soochow University, and Taiwan.Qu Zhaoxiang, a retired professor at the Institute of Political Research of the Normal University, Xu Zhongxin, a professor at the Department of Law of Chengda University, Zheng Baoqing, a professor at Chongyou University of Science and Technology, and Peng Baixian, former head of Nantou County.