Ke Wenzhe, chairman of the Taiwanese party, said that Taiwan must have a certain degree of defense forces, and at the same time, we must find ways to reduce hostility in mainland China.

According to the Taiwan Central News Agency, Ke Wenzhe led a group to the Washington Think Tank "Strategy and International Research Center" (CSIS) on the afternoon of April 20, local time, and Bonny Lin, director of the CSIS China National Plan.Several scholars closed their doors and then attended public activities in the think tank later to explain his diplomacy and cross -strait policies.

When talking about cross -strait relations, Ke Wenzhe said: "One country cannot be entrusted to another country. A person who has no strength at all is not qualified to board the table."

Ke WenzheIt is said that we must not be afraid of the war. Taiwan must still have a certain degree of defense power, and its strength is strong enough. At the same time, you must find a way to reduce the hostility of the other party and increase goodwill.war".

As for how to improve their strength, Ke Wenzhe said that the service period has been extended from four months to one year, but the focus is not the training time, but the training content.Taiwan should also face the problem of insufficient national defense funding. According to the current situation, it is not enough if the national defense budget is not 2%of the GDP.

He also pointed out that Taiwan wants to fight against mainland China alone, and still has to join the military security organization.In addition, since the Taiwan defense policy is observed, it is still necessary to develop asymmetric combat power, but the purpose is to make the other party dare not do it, not to really decide.

Ke Wenzhe said that the most important thing is the preparation of war psychology.He said that after a year of the Russian and Ukraine War, Ukraine has not collapsed, indicating that its willpower can maintain war, and Taiwan must have stronger psychological preparation in this regard.