The 76th World Health Conference will be held in Geneva, Switzerland from May 21st to 30th.Taiwan Health and Welfare Minister Xue Ruiyuan will lead the group to participate next month, hoping to win the support of the Muslim country.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily Free Times reported that the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) Foreign Minister meeting issued a joint statement on Wednesday (April 19), which once again emphasized the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait to the international community and supported it.Taiwan participates in international organizations as formal members, observer or guests, including the World Health Conference (WHA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) Technology Conference.Taiwan Health and Welfare Minister Xue Ruiyuan will lead the group to Geneva on May 19th. This time the goal is to exchanges the country with more neutral and non -the same concepts.International Public Health Organization.

As a founding member of the WHO, after the loss of membership in 1972, Taiwan was unable to participate in WHO.Since 1997, the Taiwan government has officially promoted participation in the WHO case. After years of hard work, WHO has been invited to participate in the WHO conference as an observer since 2009.After the Cai Yingwen government was in power, Taiwan has not been invited to attend the meeting since 2017.

Taiwan Health and Welfare Minister Xue Ruiyuan went to the Legislative Yuan to attend the Social Welfare and Health Environment Committee's project report and inquiry on Wednesday that he was deeply grateful to G7 for supporting Taiwan for supporting WHA and WHO.The country affirms Taiwan's achievements in health care.

Xue Ruiyuan said that this time to go to the WHA, we will seize the opportunity to communicate with each other with the same concepts, such as relatively neutral countries, such as Muslim countries. In addition to establishing friendship, they will also invite them to have someOpportunity to Taiwan to participate in international conferences.

Xue Ruiyuan also said that Taiwan needs to make more friends to have the opportunity to join the relevant international public health organizations. To get more support, they must take this step.They will also talk about the countries similar to the philosophy of this trip, and will also hold related activities and forums to actively expand international public health medicine.