South Korea ’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the Chinese ambassador to South Korea on Thursday (April 20) to express protests on Chinese comments from South Korean President Yin Xiyue in Taiwan.

According to the Yonhap News Agency, Zhang Huzhen, deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Korea, said that South Korean President Yin Xiyue mentioned that the international community's principle of opposing relying on power to change the status quo.The rustic behavior.Zhang Huzhen emphasized that China should work hard to prevent this incident unnecessary obstacle to the development of relations between the two countries.

South Korea ’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs distributed position documents earlier to the media, saying that Chinese president Yin Xiyue’ s comments on Taiwan ’s comments said that this comment questioned China’ s serious diplomacy.

Yin Xiyue said in an exclusive interview with Reuters the day before that the tension in the Taiwan Strait was caused by trying to change the status quo with force, and South Korea and the international community opposed this change.The issue of Taiwan is not simply a problem between the two sides of the strait. Just like the problem between South Korea and the North Korea, the scope involved has exceeded the region, and it can only be regarded as a global problem.

In this regard, Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, responded at a regular press conference on Thursday that solving the Taiwan problem is the Chinese people's own affairs, not tolerate others.There is only one China in the world. Taiwan is an indiscriminate part of China's territory. The Taiwan issue is purely China's internal affairs and is the core of China's core interests.

He said that in recent years, the fundamental reason for the tight situation in the Taiwan Strait is that the "Taiwan independence" elements on the island have been engaged in division with the indulgence and support of overseas forces.The "Taiwan independence" behavior and peace and stability are not allowed. To maintain peace and peace in the Taiwan Strait and the region, we must clearly oppose "Taiwan independence" and external interference.

Talking about the contrast between South Korea and North Korea issues and Taiwan issues, Wang Wenbin said that North Korea and South Korea have joined the United Nations sovereign state.The nature of the Korean Peninsula is completely different from the nature of the Taiwan issue, and it is not comparable at all. This is a well -known fact.It is hoped that the Korean side will effectively abide by the spirit of the joint communiqué of China and South Korea, abide by a Chinese principle, and carefully handle the Taiwan issue.