A press conference held a press conference on Thursday (April 20) in the Wild Party Kuomintang, calling on the opening of Taiwanese groups to travel to land as soon as possible, relaxing people from the mainland to Taiwan to apply for regulations, and negotiate with the other side as soon as possibleEssence

According to the United Daily report, the Kuomintang held a press conference on "non -conversation between the two sides of the strait, tourism!The English government proposed the above three appeals and emphasized that cross -strait exchanges and interactions can reduce the tension situation of Taiwan Straits.

Zhang Guizheng, the chairman of the Taiwan Tourism Development Promotion Association, said at the meeting that the mainland market still prohibits the group from going to make the Taiwan tourism industry unable to move to the mainland market.It is now a invitation system to relax the professional exchange part of Luke to Taiwan, but the audit conditions are very strict. I hope to relax the conditions. "Because Taiwan has a very high proportion of tourists in the mainland market."

Huang Wenqing, the chairman of the Taiwan Travel Industry Association, said that although there is no restriction on individuals to travel to the mainland, the public buys tickets to the mainland to gather travel.He called on the government to attach importance to the voices of the hope of opening up the group to travel to the mainland and provide a specific timetable to enable the industry to be able to deploy in advance.

Yan consolidated by the chairman of the Republic of China Tourism Leaders Association, Chinese leader Chinese leader accounted for 37%, but only Hong Kong, Macao and mainland passengers can be opened. At present, only Hong Kong and Macao are open, but Taiwanese go to Hong Kong and Macao to participateThe proportion of the group is not high and the freedom is high, so most Chinese leaders are currently in the case of no work.He called on the government to help everyone find the Chinese leader and give them the right to work.

Ke Muzhou, vice chairman of the Taipei Travel Commercial Association, pointed out that 80 % of Luke coming to Taiwan is tourism, 10 % professional exchanges, and 20 % of social exchanges.It is very helpful. He hopes that the government attaches great importance to the right to survival in the tourism industry and the right to livelihood of industrial personnel. Only by opening cross -strait tourism can we truly protect the Taiwan and promote cross -strait understanding.

Ke Muzhou said that the government should assist in the aid deployment in response and propose a specific timetable. With the timetable, the plan can be pre -planned, so that the industry can reserve manpower, strengthen training, and do logistical support.It can be in place as soon as possible; if there is no trailer schedule, it will cause helplessness.

Hong Mengkai said that the current Asian countries are working hard to spend tourism after the epidemic. South Korea shouted 30 million people for sightseeing and tourism in 2027, and Singapore shouted the number of tourists before the epidemic in 2024.However, the Taiwan Tourism Bureau shouted the number of tourists from 6 million tourism this year. In terms of current planning time, there is still a way to work hard at the end of the year, let alone when to restore 10 million tourists before the epidemic.