Taiwan officially announced that the Taipei Office in Milan has completed the signing of the location and is scheduled to be officially unveiled this summer.

According to the Taiwan Liberty Times, Yao Jinxiang, the director of the European Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan, said at a press conference on Tuesday (April 18) that Taiwan and Italy in the fields of economy, trade, education, science and technology, and tourism areCooperation and exchanges are very close and friendly. The establishment of Milan in northern Italy will enhance the substantial relationship of Taiwan's meaning.

Yao Jinxiang explains the background of Milan's setting. Italy's economic and technological settlements are mainly concentrated in the north, such as the car and semiconductor industry. Many large commercial exhibitions are held in northern Italy every year.Milan is the capital of the Lunbaidi region and an important financial center and a commercial town in South Europe.Many major countries have the Consulate General in Milan, and the Taiwan Foreign Trade Development Association (Trade Association) also has a trade center in Milan to promote Taiwanese goods.

In addition, Yao Jinxiang mentioned that Milan is the world's recognized fashion and design capital, and it is also a very favorite tourist attraction for Taiwanese.Evergreen opened a direct flight from Taipei to Milan in October last year. It is believed that the establishment of the Milan Office can also be established in response to the strong business travel needs brought by direct flights, which will help promote the economic and trade exchanges between Taiwan ’s Italian Italian and promote the substantial relationship between the two parties.

Asks about the size, preparation process and unveiling time of the office, Yao Jinxiang said that the Taipei Office in Milan is expected to be a five -person hall, and will not work with the trade association.Before the new Italian government came to power, it had begun to communicate. The negotiation time was more than half a year. At present, the preparations are actively underway. It is scheduled to be officially unveiled this summer.