Actively strive to fight for Taiwan's 2024 President's Nominated President of the Nogaki Kuomintang in 2024 President's nomination of President's President in the Nyaka Kuomintang President in 2024.Guo Taiming, founder of Hai Group, held a press conference on Tuesday (April 18) to emphasize that the communication channels with the Party Central Committee were unobstructed, and they also firmly believed that the church of the Party Central Committee was fair.

Guo Taiming called on the Kuomintang supporters and the people of Taiwan for 30 days. He will be dense and fully communicated with all walks of life during this time, so that everyone is prepared to be right, and then decide to decideWho is most suitable for responsibility for the "Republic of China".

Guo Taiming held a "Science and Technology Economic Political Japan Pioneering Journey" results report on Tuesday morning on Tuesday morning.At the beginning, he took the lead in singing the "National Anthem", read the will of Sun Yat -sen, the father, and then shared the experience of visiting Japan last week, and made the above statement for the Kuomintang's 2024 presidential nomination.

Because the head of New Taipei Mayor Hou Youyi is currently a little ahead, public opinion believes that the Kuomintang Party Central Committee has already conquered Hou Youyi, but Guo Taiming was convinced of the fairness of the Party Central Committee.

The media asked Guo Taiming if he may accept "Hou Guo" or "Guo Hou Biao" in the future. Guo Taiming did not respond positively.

Guo Taiming said that he was very confident in the 2024 election. One was to win the 2014 election in the Naoga League."These problems are easy to solve."

Guo Taiming said that in the past two years, he has been thinking about the future of Taiwan and what kind of president need to need to be needed?He believes that if he is not sure that he can fully answer these two questions and persuades Taiwanese people to accept it, he will not stand up.

Therefore, Guo Taiming proposed the three directions of Taiwan's future efforts:

First, Taiwan does not need to choose a side station between mainland China and the United States.If there is a right leader, Taiwan can use its own advantages to step out a new middle and own way.

Second, Taiwan can become more secure in dignity. It is necessary to have strength in dignity, and economy is the best foundation for dignity.

Third, the Taiwan economy is currently standing on the threshold that can open up a new "technology island". The problem is that politics has dragged the development of science and technology and economy.More wider and flattened.

(United Morning Post reporter Zhuang Huiliang Taipei Report)