Professor and Director Ma Zhenkun of the Institute of Military Affairs of the Communist Party of Political Combination of Taiwan National Defense University, Ma Zhenkun, said at a symposium on Tuesday (April 18) that mainland China ’s military exercise was 8 last year.After the establishment of a new normal in the middle of the Strait, the Taiwan Strait has been sealed.

According to the Taiwan Liberty Times report, the International Research Center of Taiwan Politburo held a symposium on "Analysis of the follow -up impact of Taiwan Cai Yingwen and former President Ma Ying -jeou's visit" on Tuesday.

Ma Zhenkun pointed out at the meeting that mainland China has been in Taiwan's military exercises since August last year. In fact, he changed the status quo of the Taiwan Strait with force.In August last year, the military exercise of the mainland was unilaterally denied the central line of the Strait, and a large number of machine ships crossed the middle line of the Strait to establish a new normal.In this military exercise of the Taiwan Taiwan, the mainland military dispatched aircraft ships in the name of war tour to put pressure on Taiwan's entire region, and further maritime the Taiwan Shipping.

Ma Zhenkun said that the mainland's round -the -Taiwan warup police patrol and joint exercise did not set up the exercise area of the enclosure, nor did it set up a restricted area, showing that the mainland military actually gave the Taiwan Strait in essence to the Taiwan Strait.Inside the sea, and pushed the mainland defense line to the Pacific waters in eastern Taiwan.From this perspective, the mainland's future curbing of Taiwan's military will not have a specific exercise area in the Taiwan Strait. Instead, it will adopt a normal and unpaid warning police patrol to comprehensively compress Taiwan's depth of defense in the sea and airspace.With the name of the war tour, it can not affect the international shipping of the Taiwan Strait, and it can also reduce the dislike of the international community's military exercise.

Ma Zhenkun analyzed that the Taiwanese people felt that the main military performance was not as strong as last year because there was no missile launching missiles on the other side.The police patrol means that all main military aircraft and warships are real soldiers, and the operating troops can be moved by the performance at any time.

Ma Zhenkun said, "The mainland's military exercise is a high threat to Taiwan, threatening the military exercise higher than last August last year." It also pointed out the deployment of the actual combat tactics of the mainland.In the opposite Taiwan army, whether it is the naval army or the Rocket Army forces, and the remote gunfire force, on the first day, they enter the domain tactical location in real operations.Position, exercise according to actual combat requirements.

Ma Zhenkun emphasized that if the mainland's military intimidation operations to Taiwan in the future, if they want to be further upgraded, they may use the name of the police to prepare for the police patrol to break through the 24 nautical miles adjacent areas advocated by Taiwan, and even approach the 12 nautical miles of waters.

He believes that any political party must face the threat of mainland China. He hopes that the outside world will support the Taiwan army's preparations.