Cai Tiancheng sorting

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(Brussels Comprehensive) U.S. Secretary of State Brills said that Beijing should not take Taiwan Cai Yingwen as an excuse to transit in the United States, adopt any intense action, or further promote the status quo of Taiwan.

Bringscan's Wednesday (April 5) after attending the NATO Foreign Minister's meeting at Brussels, trying to dilute the importance of Cai Mai's Association at a press conference.Brinken said that Cai Yingwen's transit in the United States is nothing new, such a stay is "private" and "unofficial".

In addition, Blinden warned in an interview with the French European News (EURONEWS) that any attempt to change the status quo of Taiwan in China will affect countries around the world.He pointed out that if China takes action against Taiwan, it will have far -reaching and huge destructive consequences.

Brinken said: "I heard this in a conversation with many NATO allies and Asian partners: they are worried that if China has a crisis in Taiwan's actions, it will affect every country on the planet."

He further said: "50 % of the global commercial traffic every day goes through the Taiwan Strait. Our smartphones, dishwashers, and 70 % of the semiconductor required by cars are made in Taiwan ... If China does it, what causes what China does lead to the result of the cause of ChinaSome kind of crisis will have a terrible destructive blow to the global economy. This is why countries around the world hope that every country can act responsible. "

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Brintken also shows that Washington does not want to confront Beijing, insisting that Hua ?? DC will not change a long -term Chinese policy."We have always clearly stated that we don't, don't seek conflict. We don't want to curb China. On the contrary, we hope to maintain peace, stability, and create opportunities."

"On the issue of Taiwan, our policy has been consistent for decades. Any difference between mainland China and Taiwan needs to be resolved peacefully. No party should do anything that destroys the status quo, and should not be adopted.Unilateral action to destroy the status quo. "

Brinken pointed out that each country has a "complex and very important" relationship with China. He defends the United States' policy, saying that the United States adopts "risk -de -risk" rather than decoupling strategy."We are competing, as long as it is fair, competition is not wrong. But we must ensure that this competition will not evolve into conflict."

In addition, the United States CNN said that Tsai Ing -wen met with McCarthy, Speaker of the House of Representatives, provided McCarthy with a "important platform" that emphasized US -Taiwan relations.A source closely related to McCarthy revealed that it is an important moment for McCarthy this time. He takes the establishment of a Special Committee for China as the primary task and regards Sino -US relations as the core issue.

Lin Biying, director of the China Power Project of Washington Think Tank Strategy and International Research (CSIS), said that because Tsai Ing -wen meets with the American House of Representatives twice within a year, Beijing may feel that the situation should be upgraded.Try to prevent the United States from normalizing such conferences and ensure that its actions are strong and painful, so that the United States and Taiwan can understand how China is against such activities. "

French and Guangwang's analysis believes that China is receiving French President Macron and the Chairman of the European Commission Feng Delin, which is shaping China's "peace image". At this time, there should not be too intense reactions.Moreover, former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou has not yet ended his visit to mainland China. Tsai Ing -wen has almost overlapped the time of the United States and Ma Ying -jeou's ancestors. On the same day, Beijing may not want Ma Ying -jeou to embarrass.